Z Lead

#ZLead Teen

"AGES 13-17"

Saturday, February 4, 2023 | Teens Aged 13-17 Years 10AM – 3PM | Ikoyi, Lagos


You have all it takes: raw talent, passion to make the world a better place, and high-tech tools to leverage it. All you need are opportunities, resources, a little direction and guidance, and some brushing up on leadership skills to help you make a BIG impact effectively, no matter what you choose to do!


When you take the time to find out what your values are, what your interests are, and how your leadership style can help you make an impact in your future, then everything starts to become clearer:

School will make more sense as you’ll start to know where you want it to take you.

Your extra curricular, after school activities, and summer programs can match your passions and interests.

You’ll see clearly who you are and what you offer.

School will make more sense as you’ll start to know where you want it to take you.

You’ll start pursuing post-high school/senior school pathways and careers that excite you.


Highly interactive, high energy, high impact and super fun sessions.

Meet and collaborate with teens from other schools

More clarity on knowing YOURSELF and how to navigate choices affecting your academic future and career path.

#ZLead Teen Workshop Series

Click this link to get on our mailing list on our schedule for the year

Saturday, February 4, 2022 | For teens ages 13-16 years | 10am – 2:30pm | Venue: Ikoyi, Lagos (Exact address will be provided to you when you confirm your spot at this workshop).

#Z Lead Workshops and sessions:

Leadership 101 & Communication, Public Speaking, Problem Solving using Design Thinking, Storytelling For Influence & Impact, Project Management, Creative Confidence, Productivity & Time Management, Sales 101/Pitching Effectively, Professional Etiquette, Personal Finance/Budgeting, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging, and many more!


Understand your unique values, leadership qualities, and feel more confident as leaders.


If you are able to connect your passions and values with action, you can be a powerful agent of positive change. Identify your passions & values and understand how to transform them into positive action in your community.


Working well in a team and being a good communicator are crucial skills for every leader. You will get a chance to test your teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills!

Workshop Fee


(includes lunch)

A discount is available for groups of 5 or more. Email us hello@luminationglobal.com to learn more.

You will get a certificate at the end of the workshop and it’s an experience you can talk about on your university/college applications and personal statements!